
【香港獅語】7月16日開幕 | 乘聯 Central West HK舉辦|林延個展《林延: 無歸》

香港獅語画廊 狮語画廊 2022-04-13

乘聯 Central West Hong Kong (CWHK)



香港獅語画廊 Leo Gallery HK

《林延: 無歸》

 Lin Yan: No Return 

藝術家 | 林延

Artist | Lin Yan

預展 Opening Preview

2021.7.16 (星期五 Friday)  2 pm - 8 pm

展期至 Exhibition Until


地點 Venue

香港獅語画廊 | 香港皇后大道西 189 號 | 西浦 189 

Leo Gallery HK | SOHO 189, 189 Queen's Road West, Hong Kong

林延個展《林延: 無歸》於今年5月在香港巴塞爾藝術展首次展出,7月份適逢Central West這一個由中西區不同畫廊一起組織活動和表演的藝術項目, 獅語画廊將林延的個展《林延: 無歸》帶到我們位於香港上環SOHO 189 的空間,開幕定於7月16日。 


在2017年初期,林延開始創作因北斗星命名的系列「Regeneration of Hope」。系列中的作品以現地裝置為主要呈現方式,並在世界各地展出,批判彷彿永恆的全球暖化現象和環境衰壞。生死議題在全球疫情之際更顯得怪異地熟悉親近,這也是林延今年創作了裝置作品「天權」(2021)的主因;作品描述生態系統的必要元素以及自然、人性和宇宙的和諧。觀眾亦因此能夠欣賞林延作品中的壯麗意象、結構和抒情畫意,打開觀眾探索內心寧靜的沈思大門。


香港巴塞爾藝術展 (2021.5.19 – 2021.5.23)

Art Basel | Hong Kong (2021.5.19 – 2021.5.23)

Lin Yan: No Return was first presented in Art Basel Hong Kong this May and Leo Gallery is bringing this exhibition to our Hong Kong space in SOHO 189 this July coinciding Central West, an art programme in which galleries across Central Western district organise events and performances that showcase both local and international artistic talents on a regular basis.   

Lin Yan is internationally recognised for her site-specific installations, sculptures, and two-dimensional works made of various Chinese handmade paper.  Since the past decade, Lin has been employing Xuan paper to bring out the essence, depth, and complexities of this traditional medium, particularly to illustrate its associated Eastern aesthetics and philosophy in the contemporary context. The diverse representations of materiality are of paramount importance for the artist. Lin’s meditative works poetically reveal the textural and painterly qualities of her creative process by crumbling, folding, layering, mounting, and casting the Xuan paper, and often executed either with dark ink or without colour.

In early 2017, the artist started to create a new series named after the Big Dipper called Regeneration of Hope. The works are presented as site-specific installations and are located in various cities globally, commenting on the everlasting global warming and environmental deterioration. Life and death have become an eerily intimate topic during the trying times of the worldwide pandemic. It is in this vein that Lin creates the installation “Megrez II - No Return” (2021), which depicts the essential components of the living ecosystem as well as the unity between nature, humanity, and the universe. Therefore, Lin’s work opens a contemplative portal for the viewer to delve into the world of inner peace by appreciating its splendid imagery, structure, and lyricism.

If you miss the chance to see Lin Yan's work in Art Basel Hong Kong, please come and visit the exhibition before 28 August 2021.



玫瑰 013 | Rose 013
墨, 宣紙 | Ink, Handmade Xuan Paper

140 x 70 cm


帝國003 | Empire 003

墨, 宣紙 | Ink, Handmade Xuan Paper

140 x 70 cm


祈禱022 | Pray 022
墨, 宣紙 | Ink, Handmade Xuan Paper

140 x 70 cm


祈禱 024 | Pray 024

墨, 宣紙 | Ink, Handmade Xuan Paper

140 x 70 cm


Details of Megrez II - No Return

天權II - 無歸 

345 x 600 cm

Ink, Handmade Xuan Paper, Nails & Cotton Thread




林延 (1961生於中國北京)







近期重要個展包括:「林延: 無歸」(2021巴塞爾藝術展香港展會, 獅語画廊) 、「林延: 反映」(2018 上海獅語画廊) 、「林延: 門道」(2017紐約否畫廊) 、「林延」(2016臺北誠品畫廊)。 近期主要聯展包括2019年上海藝術門「時間譜」龐壔與林延雙人展、2017年石家莊萬營藝術空間「空鑿者」、 銀川當代藝術美術館「 聲東擊西:  東亞水墨藝術的當代再造」、 澳大利亞白兔美術館「暗物質」等。作品獲紐約德意志銀行、上海龍美術館、北京中國美術館、澳大利亞白兔美術館等機構收藏。

Lin Yan (b. 1961 Beijing, China)

Lin Yan lives and works in Brooklyn, New York and Beijing, China. 

Lin Yan grew up within a family of artists and was exposed to art at an early age.  She studied oil painting at Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing and moved to Paris continuing her studies in art in 1985.  A year later, she went to the United States.  Lin Yan infused Chinese philosophy into her own “constructing paintings in her first solo show “Tai Chi in Painting” at Haas Gallery, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, USA in 1988 and obtained her Master’s Degree from the Department of Studio Art at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania in 1989.

In 1993, Lin Yan moved to New York. Taoist thoughts remain in her life and art. She seeks the simplest possible use of elements in her work. The art forms are minimal which filled with complex impulses and nuances.  The foundation of Lin Yan’s large sculptural paper collage is a variety of hand-made paper which has been used for Chinese traditional painting and calligraphy.  Inspired by her memory of old Beijing architectures and also the industrial elements in her Brooklyn home, Lin Yan blurs boundaries, embraces conflicts, brings histories, past and present together.  Aware of the struggle and resistance in reality, she balances this restlessness with tranquility of the materials she uses. 


Lin Yan’s recent solo exhibitions include: “Lin Yan: No Return” at Art Basel Hong Kong 2021 presented by Leo Gallery, “Lin Yan: Inverted Shadow” at Leo Gallery in Shanghai (2018) “Lin Yan: Gateway” at Fou Gallery in Brooklyn (2017). “Lin Yan” at Taipei Eslite Gallery (2016).  Recent selected group shows are “A Material Lineage” Duo Exhibition by Pang Tao and Lin Yan at Pearl Lam Galleries, Shanghai (2019), “Useless Value” at Wanying Art Space, Shijiazhuang (2017), “Crisscrossing East and West: The Remaking of Ink Art in Contemporary East Asia” at Museum of Contemporary Art – Yin Chuan (2017), “The Dark Matters” at White Rabbit Gallery in Sydney (2017).    Her works have been collected by the Deutsche Bank in New York, Long Museum in Shanghai, National Art Museum of China in Beijing and White Rabbit Gallery in Sydney amongst others.


Art Basel Hong Kong Artist Interview


 Please scan the QR code for more information

狮語画廊丨上海  Leo Gallery Shanghai


Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031,China.

Tues-Sun: 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)

+86 21 5465 3261  Shanghai@leogallery.com.cn


  狮語画廊丨香港 Leo Gallery Hong Kong  香港皇后大道西 189 号 | 西浦 189SOHO 189, 189 Queen's Road West, Hong Kong
Mon-Sat 11am-7pm (Public Holidays Closed)+852 2803 2333  hongkong@leogallery.com.cnwww.leogallery.com.cn

